Cannon Load Banks L-641 - DC Load Bank

Cannon Load Banks L-641

DC Load Bank


  • Provides a temporary load for field servicing and testing of 12, 48, 60 and 120Vdc batteries and power supplies
  • Load steps: 10A, 50A, 100A at 12Vdc, 100A at 48Vdc, 60A at 60Vdc and 15A at 120Vdc
  • 0-150V voltmeter and 0-200A ammeter
  • Available to rent, lease, buy used or buy new
  • If you own this unit, A-Rent offers NIST traceable calibration services with a 3-day turnaround time

We can fulfill equipment requests up to 7 p.m. CT the day before. Fill out the form below or call us at 630.748.8900.